Words and their Definitions
Re: Words and their Definitions
verb | ED-uh-fye
What It Means
To edify someone is to teach them in a way that improves their mind or character.
// The commencement speaker hoped that her words would edify the graduates, and give them hope and encouragement.
verb | ED-uh-fye
What It Means
To edify someone is to teach them in a way that improves their mind or character.
// The commencement speaker hoped that her words would edify the graduates, and give them hope and encouragement.
Re: Words and their Definitions
noun | SWORD
What It Means
Sward is a literary word that refers to an area of land covered with grass.
// The hikers emerged from the forest to find a green sward stretching out before them, and dotted with yellow and purple flowers.
noun | SWORD
What It Means
Sward is a literary word that refers to an area of land covered with grass.
// The hikers emerged from the forest to find a green sward stretching out before them, and dotted with yellow and purple flowers.
Re: Words and their Definitions
: a person whose age is in the seventies
: a person whose age is in the seventies
Re: Words and their Definitions
swev·en ˈswe-vən
: dream, vision
swev·en ˈswe-vən
: dream, vision
Re: Words and their Definitions
excessive pride or self-confidence:
"the self-assured hubris among economists was shaken in the late 1980s"
excessive pride or self-confidence:
"the self-assured hubris among economists was shaken in the late 1980s"
Re: Words and their Definitions
adjective | dis-pyuh-TAY-shus
What It Means
Disputatious is a formal word used to describe someone who often disagrees and argues with other people (in other words, someone inclined to dispute). It can also describe something marked or characterized by arguments or controversies, or something that provokes debate or controversy.
// The podcast is hosted by a disputatious pair whose sparring has drawn legions of listeners.
adjective | dis-pyuh-TAY-shus
What It Means
Disputatious is a formal word used to describe someone who often disagrees and argues with other people (in other words, someone inclined to dispute). It can also describe something marked or characterized by arguments or controversies, or something that provokes debate or controversy.
// The podcast is hosted by a disputatious pair whose sparring has drawn legions of listeners.
Re: Words and their Definitions
verb | PRESS-ij
What It Means
To presage something is to give or be a sign that it will happen in the future. Presage is a formal synonym of foreshadow, foretell, and predict.
// The sudden gloom and ominous dark clouds clearly presaged a nasty storm
verb | PRESS-ij
What It Means
To presage something is to give or be a sign that it will happen in the future. Presage is a formal synonym of foreshadow, foretell, and predict.
// The sudden gloom and ominous dark clouds clearly presaged a nasty storm
Re: Words and their Definitions
noun | sahr-KAH-fuh-gus
What It Means
Sarcophagus refers to a coffin, and specifically a stone coffin.
// The crypt under the abbey church contains the sarcophagus of the monastery's founding abbot.
noun | sahr-KAH-fuh-gus
What It Means
Sarcophagus refers to a coffin, and specifically a stone coffin.
// The crypt under the abbey church contains the sarcophagus of the monastery's founding abbot.
Re: Words and their Definitions
adjective | ZAHF-tig
What It Means
Someone described as zaftig has a full, rounded figure, or in other words is pleasingly plump.
// Portraits of zaftig models are exhibited in the artist's collection.
adjective | ZAHF-tig
What It Means
Someone described as zaftig has a full, rounded figure, or in other words is pleasingly plump.
// Portraits of zaftig models are exhibited in the artist's collection.
Re: Words and their Definitions
noun | kuh-NARD
What It Means
Canard refers to a false report or story, or to a belief or rumor that isn't true. It can also refer to a kind of airplane as well as to a kind of small airfoil.
// The book unfortunately repeats some of history's oldest canards.
noun | kuh-NARD
What It Means
Canard refers to a false report or story, or to a belief or rumor that isn't true. It can also refer to a kind of airplane as well as to a kind of small airfoil.
// The book unfortunately repeats some of history's oldest canards.
Re: Words and their Definitions
noun | MAL-uh-prah-piz-um
What It Means
A malapropism is an amusing error that occurs when a person mistakenly uses a word that sounds like another word but that has a very different meaning.
// "It's lovely to see all of you on this suspicious occasion," our host said. A flurry of snickers were heard in reply; the malapropism (she had of course meant to call it an "auspicious" occasion) was characteristic.
noun | MAL-uh-prah-piz-um
What It Means
A malapropism is an amusing error that occurs when a person mistakenly uses a word that sounds like another word but that has a very different meaning.
// "It's lovely to see all of you on this suspicious occasion," our host said. A flurry of snickers were heard in reply; the malapropism (she had of course meant to call it an "auspicious" occasion) was characteristic.
Re: Words and their Definitions
bat·er ˈbā-tər
: one that bates
specifically : a tannery worker who treats hides in bate to remove lime that was used for unhairing
bat·er ˈbā-tər
: one that bates
specifically : a tannery worker who treats hides in bate to remove lime that was used for unhairing
Re: Words and their Definitions
: a usually foliated ornament forming an upper extremity especially in Gothic architecture
: a crowning ornament or detail (such as a decorative jerk)
: a usually foliated ornament forming an upper extremity especially in Gothic architecture
: a crowning ornament or detail (such as a decorative jerk)
Re: Words and their Definitions
noun | VESS-tij
What It Means
A vestige is a trace, mark, or visible sign left by something lost or vanished.
// The ruins here are the last vestiges of the Roman occupation in this part of Britain.
noun | VESS-tij
What It Means
A vestige is a trace, mark, or visible sign left by something lost or vanished.
// The ruins here are the last vestiges of the Roman occupation in this part of Britain.
Re: Words and their Definitions
verb | ROO-muh-nayt
What It Means
To ruminate is to think carefully and deeply about something.
// We ruminated over the implications of our decision.
verb | ROO-muh-nayt
What It Means
To ruminate is to think carefully and deeply about something.
// We ruminated over the implications of our decision.
Re: Words and their Definitions
noun | hag-ee-AH-gruh-fee
What It Means
Hagiography is biography that idealizes or idolizes a person and their life.
// The book gives a good idea of his virtues without resorting to hagiography.
noun | hag-ee-AH-gruh-fee
What It Means
Hagiography is biography that idealizes or idolizes a person and their life.
// The book gives a good idea of his virtues without resorting to hagiography.
Re: Words and their Definitions
(Irish: cál ceannann, meaning 'white-headed cabbage' [ˌkaːlˠ ˈcan̪ˠən̪ˠ]) is a traditional Irish dish of mashed potatoes with cabbage.
(Irish: cál ceannann, meaning 'white-headed cabbage' [ˌkaːlˠ ˈcan̪ˠən̪ˠ]) is a traditional Irish dish of mashed potatoes with cabbage.
Re: Words and their Definitions
(of certain apes) move by using the arms to swing from branch to branch:
"the gibbons brachiate energetically across their enclosure"
(of certain apes) move by using the arms to swing from branch to branch:
"the gibbons brachiate energetically across their enclosure"
Re: Words and their Definitions
non sequitur
noun | NAHN-SEK-wuh-ter
What It Means
A non sequitur is a statement that either does not logically follow from, or is not clearly related to, what was previously said.
// We were talking about the new restaurant when she threw in some non sequitur about her dog.
noun | NAHN-SEK-wuh-ter
What It Means
A non sequitur is a statement that either does not logically follow from, or is not clearly related to, what was previously said.
// We were talking about the new restaurant when she threw in some non sequitur about her dog.
Re: Words and their Definitions
noun | KHOOTS-puh
What It Means
Chutzpah is shameless or disrespectful boldness often paired with reckless self-confidence. Someone with chutzpah dares to do or say things that seem shocking to others.
// It took a lot of chutzpah to stand up to her boss the way she did.
noun | KHOOTS-puh
What It Means
Chutzpah is shameless or disrespectful boldness often paired with reckless self-confidence. Someone with chutzpah dares to do or say things that seem shocking to others.
// It took a lot of chutzpah to stand up to her boss the way she did.